> Hello All.
> I have been haveing several data issues from a dealer out of the
> Philippines to the point it is hard for me to trust anything from him
> now. I recently purchased a Cymbiola aulica cathcartiae from him
> from 'Balicag Island, Bohol'. My only good reference Weaver &
> Dupont's 'The Living Volutes' (rather dated reference) puts the range
> further south off Mindanao and Zamboanga. So those of you with better
> references, is his data possibly accurate?
> Some of the other data issues have been blatant locality errors or errors
> where where one locality was offered a second locality actually came with
> the shell. So I'd like to know if there is some merit to my most recent
> data concern or if I need to apologize to the dealer.
> Thank you.
> Doug





According to Poppe and Gotto "Volutes" and Springsteen and Leobrera "Shells of the Philippines," the range of the form is southern (east) of the Zamboanga Penninsula , Mindanao.


The "typical form with well defined shoulder tubercles occurs at Sacol Island. Both references provide this localty.


The smooth shouldered form is listed as being frrm Basilian Island (just south of Zamboanga) by Springsteen and Leobrera. Poppe and Gotta give Taquite Bay as the locality for this form. i cannot find Taquite Bay in my atlas so cannot confirm is locality in relation to to others provided.  


Both references regard the animal as a form of the variable Voluta aulica.


John Timmerman

Wilmington NC