It is with sorry that I write that Janet Durand, Treasurer of North Carolina Shell Club passed away yesterday. I m not sure how long she was our treasurer - it was actually brought up at a recent meeting and we agreed she had been treasurer "forever." She will be missed by all her shell club friends and others in the shell world. I am fortunate to have known and worked with her.

Janet went for a minor out-patient procedure to correct a "pseudoaneurysm" but coded when she recieved a sedative in preparation for the surgery. It was to be a very quick and she would be able to drive herself home a hour and a half later. It was just one of those "everyday" things we have come to take for granted that can and do occasionally go terribly wrong. Janet was completey unconcerned about it.

Her family as made no plan for funeral or remberances at this point. Everyone is just pretty much in shock.

John Timmerman
President, North Carolina Shell Club
Wilmington, North Carolina