I would recommend Fretter & Graham's classic British Prosobranch Molluscs
(2nd ed., 1994). It is jam-packed with morphological, biological, behavioral
information about mostly marine non-pulmonate gastropods. However, it is
technical and also expensive. You may want to look it up at a University

(Also read my blog for frequent pictures of & anatomical info for mostly
land snails.)


On Fri, 22 Feb 2008 18:45:19 -0500, Theresa Schwinghammer <[log in to unmask]>

>The shells themselves are very beautiful and intriguing to me, but I find
>myself more and more interested about the animal that lived inside of
>them...There are many books on the shells...but does anyone know of a book
>that pictures and tells about the animals that lived in the shells

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