I have been trying with no success up till now to track down an old article
from the Texas Conchologist.  I am trying to find the following:

Ode, H and  A. B. Spears, 1972.  Notes Concerning Texas Beach Shells.
Superfamily Pyramidellacea.
in Texas Conchologist vol. 9

I think this is the bit that covers Turbonilla.  At any rate, I'm trying to
find the Ode and Spears article from 1972 on Turbonilla in the Texas
Conchologist.  I wasn't sure if anyone on the list had back issues that
could be xeroxed (or scanned) or if anyone could at least point me in the
right direction where I could track this article down.  I would appreciate
any help in this effort.
-Thanks so much, Kevin

Kevin Czaja
37 Dracut Street
Dorchester, MA 02124

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