On Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:58:20 -0800, Peter Egerton <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Hi Ranelliphiles,
>I asked about these two labels a couple years ago, but never got an
>answer regarding the use of Perry and Chemnitz.
>Sidney NSW
>Smith 70
>Calestana             (I realize this is a typo)
>Perry, 1811
>Alive in weed amongst low tidal rocks
>Arkies Bay, Aukland N.Z.
>Willan June 1 1969
>How does Chemnitz enter into this mess?
>(ps. Wow, Ranellids are difficult to ID and match label to shell! My
>little pile of cutaceum and dolarium etc are giving me a migraine!)
>Peter Egerton, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
>- - - - - - - Shell Collector & Website Designer - - - - - - - - - -
>Portfolio Website: www.peteregerton.ca
>                    Peter's Seashells Website:
>           Email: [log in to unmask]

Hi Peter, try this French site


I've found it very handy to ID those little monsters.



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