ICE Announcements 1.20.09

*Inauguration Screenings at UGA*

1. Casey O'Donnell/Global Game Jam (1/20)
2. VOX Reading Series (1/21)
3. Jamil S. Zainaldin Lecture (1/22)
4. Recital: Mark Neumann with En-Chi Ho (1/22)
5. The Underpants (begins 1/22)
6. Colloquium: Amy Roeder and George Akers (1/23)
7. Dance Improvisation Workshop (1/23-24)
8. French Film Fest (1/26)
9. Cine Screenings

More event and opportunity listings available at:

*Live Screenings of the Inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of
11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Tate Student Center Theater
Center for Teaching and Learning
Russell Library Auditorium (Main Library)
407 Memorial Hall
East Campus Village Fireside Lounge
UGA Chapel
Fine Arts Balcony Theater from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

1. New Media Institute Digital Brown Bag
Tues., 1/20, 12:30p, Room 401, Journalism

This week's guest is Casey ODonnell.  He is going to talk to us about gaming in general  where it
is going and why it is important.  And he is going to tell us about a very cool experience that will
be going down in the NMI Friday, 1/30 through Sunday, 2/1  the Global Game Jam (for more info,
see below item).

Global Game Jam --  1/30/09  by Casey ODonnell January 30th through February 1st will be 48
hours that go down in videogame development history as the first ever Global Game Jam ( ). Teams all over the globe will be working to create a fully
functioning game  in just two days. UGA and the NMI will be hosting an Athens site
(  We are looking for people who want to
participate  and you dont have to be a gamer to be one of the team.  If you are interested, contact
(Casey ODonnell -- [log in to unmask]).

2. VOX Reading Series
Wednesday, Jan. 21, 8pm at Cine

is the author of Musca Domestica (Beacon Press 2000), Alaskaphrenia (New Issues 2004), and a
chapbook, Lullaby: Speculations on the First Active Sense (Ugly Ducking Presse 2008). She is an
associate professor of English and director of the Creative Writing program at Eastern Michigan
University. She will be reading from her books and performing her sound poetry.

is an American poet, playwright and fiber artist. A native of the Carolinas, she is noted for
exploring cultural and feminine themes through folklore, formal verse and sound devices. She has
written two previous volumes of poems, Utterance: A Museology of Kin, a semi-finalist for the
Kathryn A. Morton Prize in Poetry, and Chops, which won a 2005 AIGA Gold SEED Award. Her third
collection of poems, Exquisite Heats, was released in November 2008 from London-based Salt
Publishing. Her work has appeared in numerous literary journals and anthologies, including
Poetry, Crab Orchard Review, Poemeleon, Terminus and MiPoesias. A grant/fellowship recipient of
Poets & Writers, Inc., Caldera, Idyllwild Summer in Poetry, Cave Canem, the Indiana Arts
Commission and the Vermont Studio Center, she is a freelance writer and teaches independent
writing courses in her community.

Sabrinas first book of poems, The Babies, won the 2004 Saturnalia Books Poetry Prize (judged by
Jane Miller), and was published by Saturnalia Books. Woodland Editions published her chapbook,
Walter B.s Extraordinary Cousin Arrives for a Visit & Other Tales. Her poems appear in many
journals, most recently in Harvard Review, Boston Review, and Conduit. Tsim Tsum, her next book
of poems, will be published by Saturnalia Books in 2009. She has received fellowships from the
Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown, the Glenn Schaeffer Foundation, and The National
Endowment for the Arts. She teaches at Agnes Scott College and The University of Georgia.

Sponsored by the UGA Creative Writing Program and ICE.

3. The Humanities in a Brave New World- The Digital Revolution and the Quality of Our Future
Georgia Humanities Council President Jamil S. Zainaldin
Thursday, January 22, 2009
4:00 p.m. 148 Miller Learning Center
Lecture sponsored by the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts.

4. Recital: Mark Neumann, Viola with En-Chi Ho, Piano - 8:00 pm
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Edge Recital Hall, Hugh Hodgson School of Music

Drs. Neumann and Ho will present a colorful program of original and transcribed works for viola
and piano, including the majestic "Passacaglia" by Rebecca Clarke, J.S. Bach's virtuosic "Chromatic
Fantasy" as transcribed for solo viola by Zoltan Kodaly, the Georgia premiere of Roger Vogel's
"Odyssey for Viola and Piano" (written for and dedicated to the performers), and the exotic
flamenco-inspired "Suite Populaire Espagnole" by Manuel de Falla.

When: Jan 22-24, 27-31 @ 8:00 pm Feb 1 @ 2:30 pm
Where: The Cellar Theatre, Fine Arts Building

This farce by Steve Martin, one of the funniest men in America, is adapted from German playwright
Carl Sternheim's 1910 social satire. The play is loads of fun and just a little titillating.

6. Departmental of Theatre and Film Studies Colloquium: Amy Roeder and George Akers
When: Fri, Jan 23 @ 12:20 pm
Where: room 115, Fine Arts Building

Amy Roeder (MFA performance student) and George Akers (BA theatre student) will give a
lecture/demonstration on "Improvisation: Why It Should Matter to You." All are welcome.

7. DANCE IMPROVISATION WORKSHOP with visiting artist Diana Crum
Friday January 23, 6-8pm
Saturday January 24, 10am-12pm

Floorspace, 160 Tracy St., Athens, GA

$30/both classes
$18/single class

How does Improvisation serve as a tool for living inside our bodies? We will practice and reflect
upon how our bodies and consciousness facilitate our relationship with ourselves, our peers and
our environment. Class will begin with focusing, releasing and relaxing. Moving across the floor,
we will warm up individually exploring concepts such as folding, extending, spiraling and
swinging. Having established a sense of internal awareness, we will begin working with the
architecture of the room, the space and and the other people.

Diana Crum is currently pursuing her M.F.A. at Hollins University/A.D.F.. She has a B.A. in Dance
from Columbia College/Columbia University in New York. Through Diana Crum and Dancers, her
work has been presented at DNA (Dance New Amsterdam), Dixon Place, Joes Pub, and Barnard
College, among others. She has received support from the Lower Manhattan Community Council,
Summer Stages Dance at Concord Academy and the Field. As a performer, she has worked with
David Dorfman Dance (Underground), and Jennifer Monson-iLand (Ridgewood Reservoir).
Upcoming projects in Atlanta include participation in Miguel Guiterrez and the Powerful Peoples
freedom of information 2008 on December 31, 2008 and a performance of her new work Open
Study at Eyedrum on January 24-25, 2009. For more information, visit

8. UGA French Film Festival
When: Jan 26, Feb 2, 9, 16, 23, Mar 2 @ 8:00 pm
Where: Tate Center Theater

The UGA FRENCH FILM FESTIVAL returns this winter, for six consecutive Monday nights, beginning
January 26th, at 8PM in the Tate Center theater. $1 for students.

We begin Monday, January 26th at 8PM with Les Indigenes (Days of Glory), and end with a bonus
movie from the Cinematic Arts student group, Banlieue 13 on March 2. Included are recent movies
by famed directors Alain Resnais and Catherine Breillat. All films are introduced by Professor
Richard Neupert (Film Studies) and shown on 35mm prints. $1 for students; $2 for non-students.
This festival is sponsored by a grant from the French American Cultural Exchange, Cinematic Arts,
and UGA's Film Studies Program.

Jan 26: Les Indigenes / Days of Glory (Rachid Bouchareb, 2006)
Feb 2: Coeurs / Private Fears in Public Places (Alain Resnais, 2006)
Feb 9: Une vieille maitresse / The Last Mistress (Catherine Briellat, 2007)
Feb 16: La Question humaine / Heartbeat Detector (Nicolas Klotz, 2007)
Feb 23: Le voyage du ballon rouge / Flight of Red Balloon (Hou Hsiao-Hsien, 2007)
March 2: Banlieue 13 / District B13 Pierre Morel, 2004)

9. THIS WEEK @ CINE: JAN 16-22, 2008
movies 1/16-22: