On April 1,'09 I had the distinct pleasure of judging a mini shell show
exclusively on Hawaiian shells at our regular HMS meeting. It was nice to
see a great turnout with many super rarities. Here's the results as posted
by HMS VP JJ Jackson-

  Aloha fellow shellers,

   Congratulations to last nights winners at the April HMS Shell Show.
Many thanks to all who


It was a special treat for some to see very rare and exotic hawaiian
shells for the first time. Maybe a

show like this could become a regular event in the future.

 And the winners are..............................

Best Shell of the Show:

  Pecten waikius         Mel Pang collection.

Best self collected shell:

 Cypraea Osregaardi    Collected by JJ Jackson

Best self collected shell by snorkeling:

  Cypraea burgessi      Collected by Larry Kimball

Best shell HMS members pick:

  Harpa goodwini          Chris Moe collection

     The winners will receive a framed photo certificate of their shell.
Stay tuned for more

announcements of upcoming   HMS meetings and events.

            Thanks and Aloha      JJ Jackson

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