Wow this has been quite a thread, but I think it is time that it died.  I encourage you to continue the
sub-threads on the necessity for peer review publications, how we decide what a species is (or is
not), but the discussion of who is right or wrong will end now.  This is a public list and this
discussion is totally out of hand.  Individual problems need to be kept between individuals, this is
not a day time soap.  Move on.

I wish to thank John for his apology to the list.  We all make occasional mistakes in posting, but when
we do we also have to accept the fire storm that results.  While I do not know either individual I do
know lots of shell collectors and museum professionals.  Unlike many fields we have a long history
of working together for the common good.  Note the words 'COMMON' and 'GOOD'.

I suggest everyone take a deep breath, bite their tongue, abstain from hitting the send key, then
begin again with a positive state of mind.  I just finished reading a great article in the Smithonian
about several old friends - great to see news and photos in print and on the web

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