Please see below for a one year postdoctoral fellowship available to be
applied for in my lab. This is a competitive application for non-Canadians
who are citizens of Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea,
Norway, Russia, or Switzerland. I am willing to support an application from
a qualified candidate from one of the countries listed above.

Research in my lab with Tetrahymena focuses on developmentally programmed
genome rearrangement, genome stability, and Tetrahymena proteomics. There is
also the possibility of contributing to a project addressing in vitro
studies of processing of the mini pre-mRNA introns of Paramecium. We have
both in vivo and in vitro systems for processing of these introns and are
poised to ask important questions about mechanism and regulation using these
assays. See for
publications from my lab.

Please distribute this information widely and please have anyone interested
contact me for further details and to consider proceeding with an application.

"A competition has recently been announced for the Government of Canada
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships (PDRFs).  The PDRFs provide opportunities
for foreign researchers to study at Canadian universities for a one-year

The PDRFs are based on reciprocal agreements between Canada and foreign
governments, and are designed to provide research opportunities to
promising, recent, non-Canadian doctoral graduates.  Awards are tenable at
recognized public Canadian universities and affiliated research institutes.
PDRFs are offered in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and
engineering. Fellowships are not offered to professional artists, nor to
those wishing to do clinical research and training involving patient care.

The total value of the fellowship is CAN $32,000 and it is not taxable in
Canada.  It is valid for 12 months and is not renewable.

Applicants must:

1. Be citizens of one of the following countries: Brazil, France, Germany,
Italy, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Russia, or Switzerland. Applicants who
have obtained Canadian citizenship or applied for permanent residency in
Canada are not eligible for an award.

2. Have completed a Ph.D. degree within the last 4 years or have completed
the Ph.D. degree requirements before the beginning of the award.

3. Be accepted into a post-doctoral position at a recognized public Canadian
university or affiliated research institute of their choice.

Full information about the PDRFs, and application procedures, are available
via the following website:

York University is currently reviewing the internal procedures for
post-doctoral fellowship submissions and I will keep you posted on the outcome.

     Ron Pearlman
     Dept. of Biology
     York University
     Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3
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