Teachers, currently we are still planning on conducting the Middle School Lawnmower CDE at Banks Co. High School today. It is not raining here now and has not rained enough to make conditions too wet to compete. We are setting up the course now and unless it rains hard between now and 2:00 and the ground becomes too wet to drive on, or the weather forecast shows storms arriving between 2:00 and competition time, we will plan on conducting the event. I know that many of you will not be leaving school until after 3:00. Weather radar looks like Homer, Georgia is north of most of the rain and there will be a window of opportunity where we can conduct the event. Thank you for your patience as we attempt to manage this in the best way possible. Unless you receive an e-mail from me indicating that the event has been cancelled, plan to attend. The mower that will be used for the CDE is a John Deere hydrostatic drive. Thanks again.
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