followup from today:

i visited Birch Town - another locality cited as being productive for
shells in Bakers 1951 Nautilus article, this was/is  a small community on
the Assateague Channel side of its a small
concentration of town homes, businesses and some marinas (as in 1951) but
current boating options seem mainly to include ecotours and kayak rentals.
i found two  aquaculture businesses off Chicken City Road along Toms Cove
with shell piles, lots of bivalves including quahogs, oysters, plus blood
and ponderous arks etc...but no gastropods that i noticed. interestingly
most of the Mercenarias (quahogs) sold now in grocery stores in the NY area
come from Toms Cove. A large percentage of them are the "notata" form,
which was clearly reflected in the shell piles.

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