
I found a listing for Constance Duprey in the Regisete of American Malacologists, second edition 1986-7 that has a long paragraph of biographical information (page 38) including a postal address and phone number.  I can scan this to a .pdf file and e-mail it if I know where to send it.  The message you posted does not have contact info for Julien.  

On Jun 29, 2020, at 11:21 AM, Thomas Eichhorst <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Good morning, 

I am a French student doing a Master's Thesis for the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle. 
The thesis is based on an internship I have made last year at the American Museum of Natural History on the Constance Duprey Collection. 

As I am struggling to find more information of this woman, who was a passionate shell collector, I have seen on the website that she was a member of Conchologists of America in at least 1979, 1980, 1986 and 1992. I was wondering if you had more informations on her that could be helpful or the adress of somebody I can write to about it. 

I would like to thank you and I wish you to have a good day. 

Best regards. 

Julien Lalanne
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