Dear ConchL'ers,

Yesterday its Senior Editor, Bruce Neville, announced the completed production of the all-inclusive COA Publication Index, and today Website Liaison Officer Karlynn Morgan has seen to its placement on the COA website. This pdf references all issues of the Conchologists of America Bulletin and American Conchologist (1974 through 2019; no. 1 - volume 47) plus supplements & special publications. There are no less than 260 pages, and every entry is searchable. For instance, there are some 300 entries for R. Tucker Abbott and nearly 100 for the Pink Conch (now Aliger gigas) in its various binominal iterations.

For the last several months the document was split into chronological segments, but now each entry is merged into one of four subindices: molluscan taxa; people and clubs, geography, and general topics (i.e., everything else).

Although newer COA members may have limited numbers of hard-copies of the journal, the September, 2004 through June, 2018 issues of (the quarterly) American Conchologist have been posted by its Editor-in-Chief, Tom Eichhorst at <> & <>. Also, some 50 articles, mostly from the late 1990's can be found at <>......

However, the icing on the cake of global accessibility will will be applied when the entire run of our publications is made available on-line through the offices of the Biodiversity Heritage Library <>. Officials of this prodigious enterprise have agreed to collaborate with Tom to accomplish just this.

Harry G. Lee
President, COA
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