Dear colleagues,

I would appreciate it if you could share the graduate Positions in soil biogeochemistry of agroecosystems at the University of Idaho.


The Kayler lab in the Soil and Water Systems Department at the University of Idaho is seeking Ph.D. and MSc students to investigate belowground biogeochemistry of agroecosystems.


The students will work on belowground plant-soil interactions including root dynamics, organic material turnover, and plant-microbe interactions. As part of the Kayler lab, the student will be trained in isotope ratio mass spectrometry, greenhouse gas flux, GC-MS, and the fundamentals of research. The University of Idaho also maintains its own sequencing and bioinformatics laboratory. This is a great opportunity for understanding how plant traits of facilitation and complementarity can promote belowground ecology and soil carbon and nutrient cycles. The expected starting date is fall 2021 or spring 2022 (January).


Please contact Dr. Kayler for more information. Please send an email with the subject “PhD Student Application” to: Dr. Zachary Kayler ([log in to unmask]) that contains the following: (1) a one-page cover letter describing your academic and research experience, reasons for pursuing graduate school, your specific current research interests; and (2) your curriculum vitae.

Many thanks and kind regards,


Xi Liang, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Plant Sciences
University of Idaho - Aberdeen Research and Extension Center
1693 S 2700 W Aberdeen, ID 83210

Phone: 208-844-6319