Dear Colleagues,

We would like to inform you that the first Summer School in Soil-Plant Water Flux Modelling will be from August 22nd to 26th August 2022 at UClouvain in Louvain La Neuve, Belgium.
This one-week intensive summer school aims at offering participants an overview of physical and biological principles, theory, and modelling approaches of the soil-plant hydraulics. Combining theory and practical sessions will provide participants with the bases to understand and simulate soil-plant water transport.

The summer school offers a limited number of places; therefore, the registration process is selective. The candidates are requested to submit their curriculum vitae (CV) and a motivation letter (in one pdf document) to the organizing committee through this link<>. After reviewing the candidates' admissions, the admitted candidates are announced and given a week to complete their registration. There are scholarships available.

The registration fee is 700 euro including accommodation, icebreaker, breakfast, lunch, special dinner, and surprise evening program.

Please see the below link for more information and preregistration (HERE<>).<>

We look forward to your participation!

Yours sincerely

Ali Mehmandoostkotlar
PhD Soil Physics
[Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (ILVO) -  EUROqCHARM]
[Fichier:UCLouvain logo.svg - Wikip?dia]

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