Dear DSSAT community,

We would like to invite you to submit your abstract to the AGU Fall Meeting 2022 Session B024 about emerging machine learning approaches for process understanding in both natural and managed ecosystems. This session will feature talks by Dr. Forrest Hoffman (Oak Ridge National Lab) and Dr. Zhenong Jin (University of Minnesota) about their vision and research in this area. Both in-person and virtual attendance are warmly welcomed. Please find session details below.




B024 - Emerging Machine Learning Approaches for Process Understanding in Ecosystem Sciences

Abstract submission:
Deadline: 3 August 2022 23:59 EDT/03:59 +1 GMT

Rapid advances in machine learning are transforming many areas of biogeosciences. Beyond traditional successes of machine learning in making predictions, novel combinations of data-driven and process-based approaches are generating new insights and accelerating scientific discoveries about terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems. Efficiency, interpretability, mechanistic understanding, and uncertainty quantification are among the key benefits of these new synergies.
In this session, we invite contributions that leverage emerging machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data science approaches to deepen our understanding and build generalized representations of ecosystem processes across all scales. Example areas include but are not restricted to applications of physics-informed machine learning, explainable machine learning, causal inference, information theory, unsupervised machine learning, Bayesian approaches, and uncertainty quantification. The focus of this session is on applications that provide novel understanding. Method development, reviews, syntheses, perspectives, and theoretical analyses are also welcome.
Invited speakers:
Forrest Hoffman
 (Oak Ridge National Lab)
Zhenong Jin
 (University of Minnesota)

Yanghui Kang (UC Berkeley)
Maoya Bassiouni (UC Berkeley)
Trevor Keenan (UC Berkeley)
Gustau Camps-Valls (Universitat de València)
Pierre Gentine (Columbia University)

Yanghui Kang
Postdoctoral Researcher
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management
University of California, Berkeley