Dear modelling enthusiasts,

It is my pleasure to 
announce our 2023 Summer 
School for graduate 
students and professionals,
co-hosted by the 
International Soil 
Modelling Consortium 

Main Instructor: Daniel 

Distinguished Emeritus 
Professor, University of 
Bonn, Research Director 
INRAe (ret),
1st author of the book 
/Working with Dynamic 
Crop Models, Third edition/

Please find further 
information in the 
attached course flyer.

Kind Regards,

Tobias Weber, Daniel 
Wallach, and Efstathios 

*Prof. Dr. rer. nat. 
Tobias KD Weber | orcid 
0000-0002-3448-5208 *

Soil Science Section | 
Faculty of Organic 
Agricultural Sciences | 
University of Kassel
Nordbahnhofstraße 1a | 
D-37213 Witzenhausen
tel.: +49 561 804-1594 
(direct) | tel.: +49 561 
804-1595 (secretary)