Hello DSSAT community members,


There are four upcoming events we’d like to share with you:


  1. The next AG2PI Field Day, “CENSA – A circular economy approach for reducing nitrogen use inefficiencies in integrated livestock production systems”, is April 19 from 10:30 am to noon CDT (UTC-5). Drs. Edward Buckler and Mark Boggess will Describe a vision for more sustainable integrated crop and livestock production systems. See flyer attached. Register for this virtual event at https://www.ag2pi.org/workshops-and-activities/field-day-2023-04-19/.


  1. The next AG2PI training workshop will be April 25 from 12pm to 2pm CDT (UTC-5) titled, “Water dynamics from molecular structure to phenotype”. In this workshop, Drs. Carmela Rosaria Guadagno and Marilyn Gunner, along with graduate students Benjamin Romanjenko and Jose Ortiz-Soto, will introduce how to utilize protein structural information and sequencing data to predict hydration phenotype in different organisms. This workshop is an outcome of an AG2PI seed grant award to Dr. Guadagno. See flyer attached. Register for this virtual event at https://www.ag2pi.org/workshops-and-activities/workshop-2023-04-25/.


  1. An additional AG2PI training workshop, will be April 28 from 10am to 11:30am CDT (UTC-5) titled, “Homomorphic encryption to enable sharing of confidential data in agricultural genome to phenome”. In this workshop, Drs. Hao Cheng and Jack Dekkers will demonstrate a new method of encrypting data that preserves privacy of proprietary information. See flyer attached. This workshop is an outcome of an AG2PI seed grant award to Dr. Cheng. Register for this virtual event at https://www.ag2pi.org/workshops-and-activities/workshop-2023-04-28/.


  1. Registration is now open for the AG2PI conference, cohosted with USDA NIFA: Mapping the Future of Agricultural Genome to Phenome Research, June 15-16! Registration is free (go to https://www.ag2pi.org/workshops-and-activities/conference-2023-06-15/) but limited to 150 attendees. Some travel support is available for those who request it but is contingent upon attendance and the availability of funds. This event will include talks by community thought leaders, stakeholder roundtables, small group discussions, and networking opportunities, all designed to map the future of AG2P research and develop recommendations concerning the research investments needed to achieve that future. These recommendations have been requested by USDA-NIFA.


Please share with your colleagues and students. We look forward to seeing you at a future event!



Nicole Scott, PhD


Program Specialist

Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative

Iowa State University

1111 WOI Rd

Ames, IA 50011


office: 1077 Roy J. Carver Co-Lab

phone: 515-294-3945





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