Hello DSSAT community members,

We are excited to share the following two virtual events with you:

  1.  The next AG2PI virtual Training Workshop, "Using Remote Sensing to Monitor Nitrogen Stress and Yield in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)" is May 23 from 10am to 12pm CDT (UTC-5). In this workshop, Drs. Anju Biswas and Esteban Rios will demonstrate an image processing pipeline for nitrogen/abiotic stress detection in crops. For additional details and to register for this virtual event go to https://www.ag2pi.org/workshops-and-activities/workshop-2023-05-23/. See flyer attached.

  1.  The next AG2PI virtual Field Day, "Homomorphic Encryption to Enable Sharing of Confidential Data in Agricultural Genome to Phenome" is June 21 from 10:30am to 12pm CDT (UTC-5). Note: this was previously Workshop #20. In this field day, Drs. Hao Cheng and Jack Dekkers will demonstrate a new method of encrypting data that preserves privacy of proprietary information. This workshop is an outcome of an AG2PI seed grant award to Dr. Cheng. For additional details and to register for this virtual event go to https://www.ag2pi.org/workshops-and-activities/field-day-2023-06-21/. See flyer attached.

Please share with your colleagues and students. We look forward to seeing you at a future event!

Nicole Scott, PhD

Program Specialist
Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative
Iowa State University
1111 WOI Rd
Ames, IA 50011

office: 1077 Roy J. Carver Co-Lab
phone: 515-294-3945


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