
Congratulations to the following students and teachers for their performance in the Area 4 Employment Skills LDE.  I have attached the score sheets from the three rounds for your viewing pleasure.

The following students will compete in the second round on November 7th at Southeastern Technical College in Swainsboro for the Area 4 "Champeenship".  Registration will be at 4:00 p.m. and start time at 4:30 pm.  

We will use the same Cover Letter and Resume Scores from the first round.

Brayen Jones, East Laurens HS, Advisor - Samantha Sheffield
Sofia Piraino, South Effingham HS, Advisor - Alisha Richardson
Kayla Lipovsky, Effingham CCA, Advisor - Meredith Arrington
Dilynn Weaver, Islands HS, Advisor - Elizabeth Miegel
Adeleigh Rountree, Screven County HS, Advisor - Nancy Sell
Agatha Grimes, Metter HS, Advisor - Blake Jeffers

Special thanks goes out to Kasey Jackson, Marlyn Teel, Chasity Denmark, Beth Galloway, and the Toombs County FFA for hosting the event, lining up a great set of judges, and providing great hospitality.  

Barry Norris

Cell - 478-290-5821
Forestry Teacher
Central Region Agriculture Education
10283 GA Hwy 15
Soperton, GA 30457