Good Morning Teachers,

As the calendar year is coming to a close, I hope your fall semester closes well and you have a great holiday season with your families. The GVATA Mid-Winter Conference is right around the corner, and we have some elections to conduct at that conference. The Area Director position is a 3-Year position. I am currently completing my 2nd year as the Area 3 Director. I have agreed to succeed Justin Bennett as the GVATA Treasurer following the GVATA Summer Conference this year. I cannot be both an Area Director and the Treasurer at the same time so we will need someone willing to step in to serve as the Area 3 Director to complete my term for one year. This must be voted on by Area 3 Teachers at Mid-Winter. Before a candidate can be listed on the ballot, an application must be submitted for the position which includes a Memorandum of Understanding that your school system will support your service in the position. I have included that application here.

Responsibilities for the Area Director are the following:
Serve and represent the teachers in your Agricultural Education Area. 
● Serve on the Summer Conference Planning Committee. 
● Serve on Mid-Winter Conference Planning Committee. 
● Set up for all GVATA Conferences. 
● Appoint committee members as needed. 
● Appoint conference facilitators as needed. 
● Participate in the following meetings and functions: 
      o Attend all in person and called meetings of the GVATA Executive Committee. 
          ▪ July Board Meeting at Summer Conference 
          ▪ September Board Meeting-2 Days 
           ▪ January Board Meeting at Mid-Winter Conference-1 Day 
          ▪ April Board Meeting-2 Days 
      o Attend ACTE/NAAE National Convention in December-4 Days 
      o Attend GVATA Mid-Winter Conference in January-1 Day 
      o Attend NAAE Region V Leadership Conference held annually in June-4 Days (This year, we are hosting in Georgia!)
      o Attend GVATA Summer Conference-4 Days

If the individual selected wishes to continue in the position beyond the one-year, they would simply apply for election just the same to a 3-Year term next year.

If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out and contact me.

Jay Borden
Harris County High School Agriscience Teacher
FFA Advisor
STEAM Farm Coordinator

Work Cell (706) 570-8709

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