Please register<;!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!c0kpKcegmSlPThE40zom-dQz7iS7GDsCIUUuMJ2JxJgWtMfKZbmsT9GoHkDWmlXrJrcdKtynTug7Q_Dks16MKA$> for the OCLC Virtual AskQC Office Hours January - June 2024.  Topics include ones you have requested in surveys, as well as new things we'd like to share with you.  The topics are:

January: Reading LC authority records
February: The lifecycle of a CIP record
March: Music score cataloging for the uninitiated
April:  PCC and OCLC: overview and what's new
May: Who's your audience?: Ways to record audience in bibliographic records
June: Customizing MARC record delivery with Collection Manager

These free office hours are offered twice each month for anyone who wishes to attend.  Go to this page <;!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!c0kpKcegmSlPThE40zom-dQz7iS7GDsCIUUuMJ2JxJgWtMfKZbmsT9GoHkDWmlXrJrcdKtynTug7Q_Dks16MKA$> for dates, descriptions of each session, and registration.  Recordings, slides, and Q&A from past office hours are also available<;!!EDx7F7x-0XSOB8YS_BQ!c0kpKcegmSlPThE40zom-dQz7iS7GDsCIUUuMJ2JxJgWtMfKZbmsT9GoHkDWmlXrJrcdKtynTug7Q_DSEjmeDA$>.

We hope you will join us for these sessions, which all allow plenty of time for Q&A on the presentation topic as well as general cataloging and metadata questions.

Please excuse duplication of this message.


Kate James  (she/her/hers)
OCLC * Program Coordinator- Metadata Engagement, Membership & Research Division
6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, Ohio, 43017  United States
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