Years ago, there was a submersible pilot for Harbor Branch. Had an incredible collection of shells obtained from those dives. Always won the self collected category. Unfair to the beachcombers, most certainly, but self collected, definitely.

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  On Sun, Feb 18, 2024 at 4:19 PM, Karlynn Morgan<[log in to unmask]> wrote:   I believe that shells collected on the deck of a scallop boat as you describe are self-collected, as well as shells collected from a scallop dump or midden. If, for example, you are on a group trip and there is a dredging event where the group participants take turns dividing the shells from the dredging, I also believe they are self-collected. Also, if I see a shell and show it to someone else that picks it up, I believe they have a self-collected shell.
However, if you give me a shell you found it is not self-collected and if you are given a shell by a crew member on the scallop boat which he saved for you it is not self-collected. 
There are probably numerous other examples to address, but these are the ones which come to mind at the moment.
Karlynn Morgan
-----Original Message-----
From: Conchologists List <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Feb 18, 2024 3:59 PM
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [CONCH-L] Self-collected shells

As I am doubtlessly the root cause of John Timmerman&rsquo;s query, let me provide some context. In the late 1980&rsquo;s the Florida Panhandle was the site of a great deal of Calico Scallop harvesting. The boat crews welcomed free labor to help with unloading, culling bycatch from the deck and conveyor belts, and hosing off the decks (creating treasure troves of shells in the water but certainly not &ldquo;in situ&rdquo;). If I was on the boat when the scallop net hit the deck and picked up a shell it would probably be considered &ldquo;self-collected&rdquo;. If I board the boat as it docks and pick up the same shell is it still self-collected? If not, exactly where is the dividing line in the boats voyage where it changes from one to the other?

A related question: When does a &ldquo;trash heap&rdquo; become a midden? Is there a time frame?

Jim Brunner, Panama City
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