Ag Teachers,

The 2024 National Chapter Award application judging will be done online next week. If you are interested in assisting with the NCA application scoring process, please use the link below to sign up.

The judging process will open next week, and judges will have until Wednesday, April 3, to compete the application assigned to them. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the NCA applications and scoring rubric. It will also be great to have agricultural education teachers be the ones scoring the applications, because you know how good FFA chapters should be operating.  If you are interested but are worried that you don’t have much experience with the NCA application, I will provide an orientation that will help you be prepared.


Thank you for considering this opportunity. If you have any questions, please call me.


Ben Lastly
Executive Secretary
Georgia FFA Association
316 Poultry Science – UGA
Athens, GA 30602
Office: (706) 552-4456
Mobile: (706) 410-4604