Area III and Area IV GVATA members, 

We are looking for GVATA members that would be willing to serve on the new GVATA committees for the coming year. The GVATA membership recently voted to restructure the committees to make them more meaningful in service to our organization. The pdf attached to this email explains the vision, mission, and purpose of each committee. This will be a 2-year minimum commitment. However, Area 3 volunteers will rotate off in odd years while Area 4 teachers will rotate off in even years.  Next year is an odd physical year, so Area 3 teachers are only agreeing to a one year commitment. However, members can serve another term because 2 years is a minimum... not a maximum. We want the committees to actually meet via ZOOM or other means throughout the year to accomplish their tasks in service to the membership.

Whether you are a veteran teacher or a relatively new teacher, if you have an interest in being involved in service to agriculture teachers, please let us know. Please include if there is a particular committee you are interested in serving as well.

  1. Advocacy in Ag Ed
  2. Financial Review
  3. Member Experience
  4. Professional Development
  5. Teacher, Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition
  6. Professional Representation Committee (PRC)

Area 3 teachers please contact Jay Borden at [log in to unmask]
Area 4 teachers please contact Allie Crockett at  [log in to unmask]

Feel free to reach out to Jay , Allie or myself if you have any questions or need anything else.

Jay Borden
Area III Director
Harris County High School Agriscience Teacher

Allie Crockett
Area IV Director
Burke County High School Young Farmer Teacher

Have a good day.


Walt Parks
Central Region Ag Education
Area Ag Mechanics Teacher
281 Hope Entrance Rd
Fort Valley, GA 31030
Cell - 478-231-5027