Ag Teachers,

A few state FFA convention reminders before next week.

Coliseum Policy
Attached is a one-pager that explains a few policies about entering the arena at the Centreplex. Expect a very similar experience to the past few years. We have asked the building to have more people working and more check points open, but people entering the arena will be checked before entering. Please have your attendees be aware of the clear bag policy. Also, this year rather than providing convention buttons for all attendees, we are providing a hanging badge on a lanyard. I'm hoping that will help expedite the security process as well. Please arrive early and be patient. As much of a frustration as it is to wait in line, the building has a policy, and we want our people to be safe.

Registration Desk
At the convention our registration desk will be located in two places. When you arrive, please come to the registration area to pick up your chapter's packet that will include badge & lanyards, delegate certificates, and pre-purchased concert tickets. If you need to add to your registration and pick up additional badges or purchase on-site concert tickets,  you can do that at the registration desk at the locations and times listed below.

Thursday - chapter registration and packet pick-up will be located in Ballroom D/E of the Convention Center. Chapter registration will be open from 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. in Ballroom D/E.
Thursday night, Friday and Saturday - Convention registration will be located in the ticket lobby of the arena.

I am excited that we are offering significantly more workshop opportunities at the state convention this year. The workshop options have been shared on social media and are posted online. A description of each workshop is also attached to this email. Each workshop room is set up for 50 people. The Teach Ag workshop is for those students approved for that event. The other workshops are open to all students, and are first come, first served.

Attached is the master convention agenda, and a breakdown of what is happening in each session. These documents were emailed to you back in February and are also posted online.

Program Guidebooks and Mobile App
We will have copies of the state convention program guidebook available to be picked up at the convention registration area. You can also download the convention mobile app prior to arriving in Macon. The app is available for download now. Details on how to download the app have been shared on social media, and an image is attached that you can share with your students.

Advisor Hospitality Room
On Friday there will be an advisor hospitality room in Ballroom D/E. If you need a few minutes of down time away from you students, please feel free to stop by. The room will have coffee, water, soft drinks and a place to sit. I ask that you not include your students in that room. Let's allow it to be a room for advisors.

There is A LOT of good information on the State Convention website. I encourage you to use that site over the next few days.
State Convention website -

I look forward to seeing you and your students next week in Macon. We expect a crowd of more than 6,200. If you have questions, please let me know.

Ben Lastly
Executive Secretary
Georgia FFA Association
316 Poultry Science - UGA
Athens, GA 30602
Office: (706) 552-4456
Mobile: (706) 410-4604