Hello all,

The State Library of Kansas is weeding out old maps. We have about 900 maps to offer with most being PREX (CIA) maps and a round 35 maps from other departments. Years ranging from 1968 to 2015 (lots of cool Cold War era maps!). Here are a few examples of what we have to offer:

-West Germany. PrEx 3.10/4:G 31/7. 1972.
-Gaza Strip, December 1991 : (Israeli occupied--status to be determined). PrEx 3.10/4:G 25/4. 1991.
-Permafrost regions in the Soviet Union. PREX 3.10/4:SO 8/16. 1984.
-Political map of the world. PREX 3.10/4:W 89/9/989. 1989.
-The Pentagon--before and after September 11, 2001 [graphic] : historic preservation and force protection of a national historic landmark. D 1.56:P 38/2. 2002.
-Tectonic maps of the United States. [USA]. I 19.111/A:38077-AE-NA-07M-00. 1989.

They are all available on FDLP eXchange. You can also click on the link below to view the list, or I can email the file upon request. We are able to mail to anyone in the US and do not require reimbursement for postage. If you have any questions, please let me know. Cross posted on DocTech-L.


Thank you,

Leah Grote
Reference Librarian
State Library of Kansas
300 SW 10th Ave Rm 312-N
Topeka KS 66612
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