----------------------------Original message----------------------------
I am posting this message for a colleague at Brooklyn College,
who has no access to Internet. The Department of Geology
there is a USGS Depository, but their collection has been
neglected for many years and is currently unfiled, uncataloged,
and unstaffed.
My colleague has the opportunity to get some funding to buy
services and hardware/software, but the proposals are due this Thursday
(April 29th). Please could you supply helpful hints etc? I
will save and forward them to him as they arrive.
Thanks in advance:    Keith Clarke             Info follows:
The Department of Geology at Brooklyn College is interested in
acquiring hardware and software suitable for setting up a map
processing station. Specifically, we would like to engage in
sophisticated indexing of maps and their searching and display.
The library would like to superimpose map data, sum and contour
the result, produce 3 dimensional images from contours and
to manipulate these in various ways.
Library: USGS Depository (just quads)
Service community is Geology Dept., gen public, other university users.
Staff: 2 faculty. To be staffed by users. (fac/students) researchers
Budget is about $50K.
They need concrete suggestions (names and contacts please)
for hardware,software,services etc.
[log in to unmask]      Keith Clarke, Hunter College