----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Hi Folks,
Once again we're on the trail of places featured in our pre-1920 book catalogue
- all we require are general locations. Just to add a little spice to the menu,
we suspect none of the following names are in current usage.
        BOEMELIAE       Somewhere in the Low Countries? 1837.
        EKUKANYENI      Zulu place name?
        EQONCI          Xhosa place name?
        MSALABA         Possibly Tanzania.
        TYDENHANGRE     No idea!
We have trawled through all the obvious gazetteers and atlases, and reduced a
list of 50 or so names to these five, so any further clues would be most
welcome. Thanks in advance.
        Nick Millea
        Map Curator
        Bodleian Library, Oxford
        OX1 3BG
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