----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     Brother Dave (Gomberg) has a point.  We are giving you advice, not
really knowing the application.  The majorly first query which needs to be
considered is your experience level with hardware/operating systems.
Unix, operating within X-Windows is the best I have experienced.  But you
need to know Unix.
OS/2 is better that MicroSoft Windows 3.1, but many DOS applications which we
have here did not run under OS/2 so only one computer guru still uses it.
DOS 6.0 is, as yet, unproven in the wide world of the average user.  I've not
yet talked with anyone who has really used it.  And rumors for and against it
Nor is DOS 5.0 a panacea.
So, in some ways, it is a crap shoot.  The best thing going for you is that
we are all on your side and on the side of your patrons.  Best of luck.
Debbie Lords
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Marriott Library
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah  84112