----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Should queries posted to MAPS-L be answered on MAPS-L?  YES.  Only in rare
instances should that not be the case.
MAPS-L is our virtual classroom.  How many of us have wished we could get
together with someone more knowledgable than ourselves to get some insight or
answer to a question?  We have access to that here, on a daily basis!
Do you remember the kid in high school who always asked the best questions?
You know the one.  He or she would go up to the teacher at the end of class
and say, "I have a question."  Remember that was a question you had too, but
you felt too dumb to ask?  So now you hang around to hear the answer and so
do several other kids.  Do you remember doing that?
Here we are dealing with a variation of the same theme.  Maybe we haven't
formulated the question, yet.  Sometimes I see something on here, know of
someone not on MAPS-L who is interested in that general area, and I forward
it to them.
What should be done as personal replies?  "I need a roommate for ...".  Or "I
need to reach for personal business, can you send me personal mail."
But addresses for products, queries of "what is ... ", concerns about "where
is ... " deserve answers on the list.  This is our virtual classroom and we
are all the virtual classrooms.  Cyberspace lives.
Debbie Lords
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Marriott Library
Unviersity of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah  84112