Several answers on the National Map Center question.------Johnnie
            Thu, 03 Jun 1993 09:09:15 +0100
            [log in to unmask]
            RE: National Map Centre, England
Hi Richard,
The National Map Centre is still very much in business, details as follows:
        National Map Centre
        22-24 Caxton Street
        SW1H 0QU
        Tel: +44 71 222 2466;  Fax: +44 71 222 2619
Nick Millea
Bodleian Library, Oxford
          2 Jun 1993 18:25:30 +0100
          "J.R.Hunt (John Hunt)" <[log in to unmask]>
          RE: National Map Centre, England
The National Map Centre as far as I know is still at
22-24 Caxton Street, London, Sw1H 0QU
Telephone (no first 0 outside of UK) 071 222 2466
FAX 071 222 2619
TELEX  28905 ref 1890
From John, Faculty of Social Sciences, The OPEN University, UK
(yes still at work on this sunny June evening, but just going home to catch the
England v Norway football game (soccer to some!) ...if we win we'll be over
next year for the WORLD CUP!
          Thu,  3 JUN 93 15:13:32 BST
          [log in to unmask]
          RE: National Map Centre, England
Ref: Richard Soares query. The National Map Centre is located at 22-24 Caxton
 Street, London, SW1H 0QU, England. Tel: 071-222-4425/2466 Fax: 071-222-2619.
  Hope this is helpful.