----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     One of the first things you MUST do is to listen to what it is the
critics are saying, that is, what specifics they point to as negatives of the
program.  Then look very honestly at the points they bring up.  This is your
"baby" and it is extremely hard to be critical about it.
     Then you need to address the facts (not the emotion) of their concerns.
The second best ammunition is to relate it all to money.  How much is saved
by the existence of the database.  The very best is if you can show how the
database benefits THEM.  Get letters from your users which address the
valuation they put on the service and what the cost would be to them if the
service did not exist.
     It is hard to deal with this kind of situation when you know your
solution is the best way to go.  It is especially hard when, in spite of all
your efforts, the others still manage to take it away.  Especially when you
consider the cost involved of re-creating it after it has been lost and they
realized you were right.  Best of luck.
Debbie Lords
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Marriott Library
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, UT  84112