----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Date:           Wed, 7 Jul 93  14:40 GMT
From: "Dr. Kamie Kitmitto" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:        1971 ED maps for free!
UK map librarians who have not had this message relayed to them may be
interested in this mapping.  Thanks to Kamie for forwarding the message
originally.  Philip Guest.
From:  Philip Rees
       School of Geography
       University of Leeds
       Leeds LS2 9JT
       [log in to unmask]
To:    Census Users
Date:  1st July, 1993
Subject:  Map Offer by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys
OPCS wishes to dispose of a surplus copy of its enumeration district
planning maps from the 1971 Census in order to release warehouse space.
Permission has been obtained to break up the map set into convenient
county or region subsets:  the whole set is too large for any one
University map library to easily accept.  The maps are copies of
OS maps at a mixture of scales (1:2,500 1:10,000 1:25,000) upon which
the ED and ward boundaries have been marked.  They cover England and
Wales.  They will be of particular interest to researchers wishing
to look at change from 1971 to 1991.
The map sets are offered free at the point of collection (the warehouse
is in Christchurch, Dorset, I believe).  That is, your department or map
library will need to arrange selection of the relevant maps and their
shipping back to your library.
If your University or department would be interested in acquiring and
housing part of this OPCS map collection, please contact:
Mr. Alex Clark
Head, Census Processing
Office of Population Censuses and Surveys
Hants PO15 5RR
Tel 0329 842511
by the 31st July, 1993.
Please pass this letter on to your Map Curator/Librarian for
Yours sincerely,
Philip Rees