----------------------------Original message----------------------------
          University bookstores often have the lowest price on PC's.
          I'd like to exploit this fact by finding out which one is
          cheapest. Would other maps-l correspondants be interested in
          a casual marketing survey?
          A possible methodology might be for one of us to post a
          price on a particular PC line. Others could check at their
          bookstore and post a "best-price" to maps-l if their
          bookstore, or some other source, has the item at a much
          lower price. The itemized list would remain constant, but
          best price could be initialed, dated and bookstore named.
          Each of us would then be free to contact that bookstore to
          buy a unit, or, as I plan to do,  use the price at a local
          retailer who promises to match or beat other retailers
          Is this legal on the Internet?
          Is it already being done?
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