----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We've had Marcive tapes for over a year now.  Our campus Computer Center
loads the monthly tapes into the mainframe, but not always monthly.  Its
more like when they get around to it; when there's nothing more important to
do.  But that's a local problem.  After the tape is loaded, I get a printout
of all the map records.  Its just a list of the GPO 8-digit numbers in the
035/1 field.  We have records for all the USGS quads, aero- and nautical
charts, etc.  Our Marcive profile was set up so that a SuDoc number appears
in the 099 field, and since the Map Collection uses LC classification, my
student employees go in and change the 099 to the LC number.  It took us a
year to edit all the records for the topos going back to 1976.  Since we
keep the most recent edition only for most government maps, there are thou-
sands of records to delete.  Maybe by the time I retire we'll have a clean
There's a one to two month delay between receiving the map and its record
appearing in the OPAC.  Since we like to get the maps into the collection
ASAP, we have piles of cataloging slips sitting around until the records
get processed.  All in all, I'd say it takes at least .5 FTE to keep the
database accurate, after the initial clean-up.
Jim Coombs
Map Librarian
Southwest Missouri State University