Two messages on the subject of Marchive and III.  ----- Johnnie
         Re: III and Marchive for maps
      Wed, 22 Sep 93 14:22:13 -0700
          [log in to unmask]
UCSB purchased all the map records because map questions
are asked at sheet level - so it makes sense to get
sheet-level records (preferably cataloged by anyone
other than me!).  All the records were put in one
processing unit (this library uses NOTIS), which is
essentially a "holding pen;" when we are ready to add
to the public catalog, we'll do so all at once.
Mary L. Larsgaard, UCSB Map & Imagery Lab
      23 Sep 93 10:04:00 EDT
      "SCHLESINGER, PETER" <[log in to unmask]>
         RE: III and Marchive for maps
What are Marchive tapes? Could someone explain this message a little more?
Peter Schlesinger
Woods Hole Research Center
[log in to unmask]