This message was sent in by Jack Mount and was downloaded from Roots-L@NDSUVM1
      Mon, 20 Sep 1993 08:49:05 -0700 (MST)
      [log in to unmask]
         Sources genealogists are using
      Mon, 20 Sep 1993 07:42:05 -0500
      Richard Ammann <[log in to unmask]>
         Map, atlas, & gazetteer source
        ROOTS-L Genealogy List <[log in to unmask]>
Many people are asking for specific locations of towns in the United
States.  I think this is an excellent resource which Roots-L readers can
provide each other, as a part of the broad nature of genealogy and family
history searching. (Thus, another vote here for _not_ breaking apart this
I have been using the U.S. atlas and gazetteer series published by DeLorme
Mapping Co., P.O. Box 298, Freeport, Maine 04032, (207) 865-4171.  This
series of oversize books uses a scale of 1:150,000, so that one inch on
the map equals 2.3 miles or 3.7 kilometers on the ground.  Each volume
costs about $13.  Current states available are: Alaska, Northern
California, Southern and Central California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho,
Illinois, Maine, Maryland & Delaware, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire,
New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Utah,
Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.  Arizona will be available
in October / November and Montana will be available in February 1994.
A local map dealer here sells these maps, if you cannot buy them near you.
 Contact: Dover Flag and Map, 323 Main Street, Racine WI 53403, phone
414-632-3133, fax 414-632-3188.  They accept credit cards.  They also can
order other maps of the U.S. and worldwide.  This is _not_ a commercial
message for them...
For England, Scotland, and Wales I have had good success locating places
with the AAA Britain Road Atlas, published by the Automobile Association
in Great Britain.  The maps are in a scale of 4 miles to 1 inch.  While
their index to the maps is impressive, it is _not_ complete -- it didn't
have Groton, one ancestor's home town (8().
Hope this information is useful...
Dick Ammann, 1612 Park Avenue, Racine WI 53403  (414) 632-4610
University of Wisconsin-Parkside  [log in to unmask]