----------------------------Original message----------------------------
                       CALL FOR PAPERS
                           for the
                  Geography & Map Division
                 Special Libraries Association
                     85th Annual Conference
                       Atlanta, Georgia
                       June 11-16, 1994
CONFERENCE THEME: Information Vision
   The challenges of the 21st century are beginning to crystalize and it is now
time for information professionals to develop and implement an information
vision that will enable them to be full-fledged participants in the future.  It
is hoped that by developing this "Information Vision", you will see not only
applicable uses but the means to develop those uses to do day to day
operations, strategic planning, and your own professional development.
As the Program Planner for the 1994 Annual Conference in Atlanta, I am
welcoming papers that develop the conference theme and/or relate to the
Southeastern region of the United States.  In particular, papers on organizing
and using metadata in the map library; new and/or unusual uses of GIS products
in or through the map library or map librarian; and necessary skills for map
librarians in the near future would be most inviting.
Suggestions about topics for presentations or papers, sites to tour, and
special activities in and around the Atlanta area are most welcome and needed.
Papers may be of any length, however, presentations on the paper's topic is
restricted to 20 minutes.  Please include a one-page abstract of proposed
papers by October 15, 1993.  You will be notified of your paper's acceptance
no later that October 30, 1993.
Send all proposals, ideas, suggestions, or information requests to:
Mr. Paige G. Andrew
Map Cataloger
Cataloging Department/Main Library
University of Georgia Libraries
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Phone: 706-542-0585
Fax: 706-542-4144
E-MAIL: [log in to unmask]