----------------------------Original message----------------------------
We found some maps that aren't suitable for our collection, but someone
else may want for theirs. We are offering the following:
Canada. Dept. of Mines and Resources. Mines & Geology Branch. GS Paper 44-34
Canada. GSC. Maps 1895 -- Nova Scotia no. 25 38.
Canada. B.C. Dept. of Mines. Prelim. Geol. Map -- Southern Queen Charlotte
Islands. 1960.
Canada. Dept. of Mines & Tech. Surveys. GSC Paper 43-9.
Canada. Dept. of Mines & Resources. Mines & Geol. Branch. GS Paper 44-34.
A number of 1:100,000 maps of Belgium and France.
A misc. set of topos of Canada.
Geological Survey of Victoria. Map, sections and plans, Memoir 14,
The Ballarat Gold-Field.
Please repond to : Deb Kalvee, Government Documents and Maps, Rasmuson
Library, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Ak 99775-6800
907/474-6730  [log in to unmask] Thank you.