----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        MAPS-L FOLK:
        We at UTK are not dumb to the fact that we (librarians and other
        potentially interested parties) are not supposed to supply prices
        for maps that are donated to our library.  This is why we asked the
        NET?  You guys CAN supply suggested prices since you are not an
        interested party.  Think about it.  We have all the required IRS
        forms and work through a well-established developemnt office.
        National Geographic Society maps do find their way into the market
        place be it flea market of otherwise. What is a going price for NGS
        maps?  $5, $10, $25, ...  I know, I know, .. it's like real estate
        LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION, ... But come on now.  What is a 1920
        NGS map worth? Roughly?  My donor can really use your guestimates.
        You won't go to jail even if you say $2,000.  Even if we already
        have the maps.
        Jim MInton
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