Two messages about photocopier for Map Rooms.----->Johnnie
      Tue, 14 Sep 1993 06:48:14 -0700 (MST)
      Chris Ziegler <[log in to unmask]>
         Re: Photocopier
The University of Arizona Library has an "oversized" photocopier
that will accomodate sheets 36" wide by any length.  The paper is
on a roller, is measured and cut first, then fed through the copier
with the map - it goes through rollers.  Though it is quite gentle,
we do restrict some maps from this procedure due to very fragile
condition.  I will try to get specifics on the machine, including
it approximate cost, and send them on to the list.
Chris Ziegler
Map Collection
Univ. of Arizona Library
Tucson  AZ  85721
              Tue, 14 Sep 93 13:45:32 CDT
              Jim Coombs <JAC324F@SMSVMA>
              Re: Photocopier
We use an old Ricoh FT5560 loaded with 11 x 17 paper.  It was a "regular"
library copier until the Library bought new ones.  The best thing about it
is that our Microforms Dept., who maintains all the other copiers here, still
maintains the Ricoh.  It has been a reliable machine; it doesn't break down
nearly as much as the others.  It has a bad habit of eating dimes, however.
Jim Coombs
Map Librarian
Southwest Missouri State University