----------------------------Original message----------------------------
  The conference on restructuring the depository library system
will be held the last few days of October in Chicago.  All
librarians involved in depository arrangements were invited to
attend.  Groups, such as CUAC, will not have "official"
representation.  However, I was originally approached by the
organizers in order to bring a map perspective to the discussions.
It is still not too late to add your comments to the discussion
in Chicago.  How would restructuring the depository program
effect the receipt of maps in your libraries?  How many electronic
products have been created by federal agencies that we do not
receive through the depository system?  What can the depository
system do better?
CUAC will be discussing these questions in DC on October 19th
and 20th.  I hope to be able to take comments from CUAC to the
restructuring conference in Chicago, but more insight from
the map community would be welcome.
Melissa Lamont  -- CUAC chair
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