----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> If anyone has any digital coverages (arc/info or IDRISI format, or something
> that can be translated into one of these) for Egypt and the Nile Delta, and
> they were willing to share these for a good (and non-profit-making) cause,
> that would be more than wonderful.
> Ah well, it does no harm to ask :-)
Would you be interested in a data set from the Digital Chart of the World?
I can give you any lines, points or text in either MapInfo, DXF or ASCII
for Egypt. This coverage is derived from the 1:1,000,000 scale Operational
Navigational Chart series.  It would be a good beta test of this software
I'm putting together at any rate if you can use this.  I'd be happy to help;
your input into GIS-L and here over the last few years has certainly helped
and entertained me (and others, no doubt).  I'd be honored.
If you can use DCW data, let me know.  I maintain the COGS (Computer
Oriented Geological Society) ftp site at csn.org, and so I can post this
there for you.
- Bill Thoen
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