----------------------------Original message----------------------------
At the moment, the only quique possession of this Virginia ESIC
is our computer catalog of Virginia geology.  I have a pile of
uncataloged maps (which I shudder to think of but will catalog
as time permits (haha).  I doubt if this will help you much but
you're welcome to it.         Chris
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> I am in the process of drafting a column for the "Map Library Bulletin
> Board" of the NACIS journal, "Cartographic Perspectives" that attempts
> to do the following:  1. sketch a brief history of ESIC, 2.  identify
> ESIC materials that are already in the depository program, and 3.
> name and annotate the reference tools that are unique to State ESIC
> members.
> Marsha L. Selmer, Map Librarian, University of Illinois at Chicago
> SLA, Geography & Map Division Representative to the Cartographic
> Users Advisory Council (CUAC).