----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Well, as Alice fell down the olde rabbit hole, she saw maps hanging from
hooks, and thinks abit about wonderful words like "topography"...a story that
has always much amused me... Lewis Carroll's Hunting of the Snark also has
some wunderbar comments, including one about German maps that are so
wonderfully detailed they are at a scale of 1:1, but I think he sorrowfully
notes they block out the sun...or is that another story. Oh well.
There are also wonderful quotes about maps in Heart of Darkness by Joseph
And HelenJane Armstrong mentioned to me an essay Twain wrote on James
Fennimore Cooper, not a friendly essay, by the way, in which he talks about
Cooper's map knowledge or lack thereof. Alice Hudson, NYPL.
Couldn't get back to you direct, so am trying via MAPS-L, sorry.