----------------------------Original message----------------------------
        MAPS-L FOLK:
        The University of Tennessee has just received the exhibit: VISUAL
        GEOGRAPHY, prepared by the U.S. Geological Survey and the National
        Geographic Society.  The exhibit will be displayed in the main
        library from October 4th through December 1st.  It consists of 64
        panels each about 36" X 92".  The theme deals primarily with the
        history of mapping. We erected the exhibit in about 2 hours this
        morning and it has already been a wonderful educational experience
        for the book librarians.   We have also launched an extensive
        publicity campaign.
        If anyone is interested I will be glad to give you details on the
        If you are passing through Knoxville anytime soon, drop by and
        visit CIC and view the exhibit.
        James O. Minton
        Cartographic Information Center
        The University of Tennessee
        [log in to unmask]
        (615) 974-4315