----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Mettkeim is entered in our 1870 German gazetteer so I was able to track
it down.  It is located at 54:45N 20:51E and is found as Mettkeim on
sheet 30, Labiau, of the Karte des Deutschen Reiches 1:100,000 (at 38:31
E of Ferro).  It is called "Mottkaym" on sheet NN 34-5 of AMS M-501, but
is not entered in the USSR gazetteer under either name.  The 1870 gazetteer
indicated that it had 200 inhabitants.
Chris Baruth
AGS Collection
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> A patron here is looking for the location of a town that was in
> East Prussia in about 1870.  It's Mettkeim or possibly Mettheim.
> We couldn't find any reference to this place in gazetteers or
> atlases covering what was then East Prussia (I believe this would
> be in today's Poland, Lithuania, and Russia).  Our collection is
> thin with respect to historical maps of Europe. Can anyone help
> with this town's location and non-German name?
> Thanks...
>        .------.           Mark Thomas
>        |      |           Evans Library
>        |      |           Texas A&M University
>        |       ~~~-----.  College Station, TX  77843-5000
>  ______|               |
> \                       \ (409) 862-1052 / FAX (409) 845-6238
>  \_    __          *   _; mthomas@tamrigel / [log in to unmask]
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