Two messages.-----------------------------Johnnie
      Wed, 15 Dec 1993 13:47:42 -0800 (PST)
      Phil Hoehn <[log in to unmask]>
         Re: OCLC fixed fields
Put publication date(s) in fixed fields. If date of situation/compilation
is different put that date into the 045 field -- Phil Hoehn, Univ.
of California, Berkeley  [log in to unmask]
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Hi Folks,
> This query concerns the use of OCLC fixed fields and type of date (Dat tp). At
> the Bodleian Library we have set up a working party into the possibility of
> automating our map catalogue, and what I wanted to find out from librarians
> already using OCLC fixed fields is how they deal with the case of differing
> dates, when the map's date of compilation differs from its publication date. I
> code "r" used, or have any libraries found a more appropriate means of
> answering this dilemma?
> Thanks in advance for your replies.
> Nick Millea
> Map Curator, Bodleian Library, Oxford
> tel: +44 865 277013;    fax: +44 865 277182;    email: [log in to unmask]
      Wed, 15 Dec 93 13:39:22 -0800
          [log in to unmask]
DatTp is date of PUBLICATION; it mirrors what you put in
260 $c.  Date of data appears in
first 500 note, and if you like (although I've seen this seldom
in map-format records ) 045.   "r" is used when a map appears
in a new edition (that is, when there is a previous
date of publication).  Mary Larsgaard, UCSB Map & Imagery Lab