----------------------------Original message----------------------------
On Thu, 2 Dec 1993, [charley seavey] wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> That message from Pitt came over GOVDOC-L last week sometime-- I
> sent a note direct to them suggesting MAPS-L, and a few other things
> including hiring a consultant (*not* me, I hasten to add), and never heard
> from them.  Let's hope they really do want advice, and are not gong
> oops, going to try and reinvent any number of things.
> charley seavey
I would like to thank the person who forwarded the message from the
University of Pittsburgh from GOVDOC-L to MAPS-L.  We did plan on posting
it to MAPS-L.
YES - we really do want advice and are not planning on re-inventing the
wheel here.
Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I need to know how you all are handling the USGS CDs and TIGERcds.
Are you integrating them into your map collections?  Do you keep your
workstations with your map collections or with your other electronic
resources?  I'm sure there are several different ways these are being
handled consindering each library has a different set up.  But if anyone
could let me know what they have done with the CDs, I would appreciate it.
Also, please let me know about any type of GIS software (like ATLAS,
ARCINFO, etc.) that you may have purchased.  You can respond directly to me.
Wendy S. Mann
Government Documents/Electronic Resources Librarian
University of Pittsburgh
G-25 Hillman Library            (412)648-7707
Pittsburgh, PA  15260           e-mail:  [log in to unmask]